Working as the implementing partner of the Government of Rondônia, BVRio implemented instruments and management instances provided in the Climate Governance and Environmental Services Policy and the Jurisdictional Strategy and Socio-Environmental Safeguards Protocol for REDD+ projects.

- NORAD – Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Secretaria Estadual de Desenvolvimento Ambiental (SEDAM)
- Fundação Amazônia Sustentável (FAS)
- Ecoporé
About the project
The project aimed to support the nine states of the Legal Amazon in Brazil (Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima and Tocantins) to access the ART/TREES Standard. Based on the recognition of the need for different jurisdictional approaches to achieve effective emission reductions, and in line with bilateral and domestic agreements and with Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, the project will develop REDD+ financing pathways to low emissions in the Legal Amazon.
In the case of Rondônia, BVRio supported the Secretariat of Environmental Development in the structuring and implementation of the instruments (Climate Change Fund, State System of Socio-environmental Safeguards, etc.) and participatory management instances (State Climate Change Forum, Management Council, Scientific Committee, etc.) provided for in State Law 4437, of 17 December 2018.
In addition, BVRio also provided guiding information and analysis to support decision making by the Government of Rondonia with regard to joining the LEAF Coalition, attracting and nesting private REDD+ projects, and developing and implementing public policies that ensure the autonomous, free and informed participation of traditional peoples and communities, as well as the fair and balanced sharing of benefits.

The project had significant positive impacts, contributing to the long-term implementation of REDD+ structuring instruments, attracting new investments and mobilising different segments of society for the REDD+ agenda in the state of Rondônia.
The main results include implementing the State Policy on Climate Governance and Environmental Services (PGSA) and its structuring instruments. It also identified potential financial flows relevant to the implementation of the REDD+ strategy in the state, as well as conceived and implemented the AmazoniAtiva platform, giving visibility to the state’s bioeconomy and access to investors, and implemented spaces for social participation (GE, WGs, etc.).
It is also worth mentioning the importance generated by the mobilisation and engagement of several sectors in the process of climate governance, which brought repercussions for the inclusion of gender issues, overcoming cultural obstacles (indigenous and extractivist), as well as focusing on the youth, facing the challenge of attracting them to the discussions.
In the aspect of safeguards, even though the consultation process was brief, its importance was considered in the state’s implementation of the State Policy on Climate Change (PEMC), considering the complexity of the issue for the potential beneficiaries.


Presentation and approval of the State Policy for Climate Governance and Environmental Services - Law 4437/2018

Restructuring and holding three meetings of the State Climate Change Forum;
Proposal to regulate the Steering Committee and the Climate Change Fund;
Installation of the Thematic Chambers on Payment for Environmental Services, Socio-environmental Safeguards and Indigenous Peoples;
Guidelines for the nesting/integration of private projects in Jurisdictional REDD+.

Strengthening the capacities of hundreds of people, including members of civil society, companies and communities. Workshops on socio-environmental safeguards with indigenous people and quilombolas.

Social inclusion
Creation of the AmazoniAtiva platform for online commerce of forests products and assets from Rondônia, later expanded to the nine states of the Legal Amazon
Contact the team

Beto Mesquita
Director of Forests and Public Policies (Brazil)
SDG Alignment