Category: Publications

Practical guide to conducting due diligence of tropical timber products: Brazil & Ghana

The objective of this practical guide is to summarise the main documents that need to be collected, and how to interpret them, in order to conduct due diligence of timber consignments to be imported from different countries into the US and European markets. It also provides a summary of the main risks associated with timber legality that the due diligence must address, for Brazil and Ghana.


Assessing Compliance with the Forest Code: A Practical Guide (Chinese)

This guide is intended to help Chinese buyers of Brazilian forestry and agricultural commodities to verify compliance with the Brazilian Forest Code in their supply chains. By requiring law enforcement from its suppliers, Chinese buyers will be able to demonstrate that their products derive from sustainable agricultural sources and do not contribute, for example, to illegal deforestation in Brazil.


Zero deforestation: A commitment to change

ETFRN News 58 — published by the European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN) — shares experiences and considers ways to improve the effectiveness of zero deforestation commitments through public-private collaboration and other models.


Imóveis privados em unidades de conservação de domínio público

O objetivo da publicação é contribuir para o processo de consolidação de Unidades de Conservação por meio de dois mecanismos:

(i) compensação de reserva legal, no âmbito da Lei Florestal brasileira
(ii) cumprimento de medidas compensatórias de impacto ambiental no âmbito de processos de licenciamento ambiental.


Using Big Data to Detect Illegality int the Tropical Timber Sector

BVRio’s Due Diligence and Risk Assessment System was created to screen Brazilian timber and timber products for their legality status. The system is an integral part of the BVRio Responsible Timber Exchange, which also includes a Trading Platform for sourcing timber products from legal sources.


Operational Report 2011 – 2013

BVRio’s mission is to promote the use of market mechanisms to facilitate compliance with environmental legislation while supporting the implementation of public policies and the creation of a green economy at a national scale.
