Category: Publications

Anniversary Publication: Promoting implementation of the Brazilian Forest Code

Since our foundation, 10 years ago, BVRio has been at the forefront of promoting the implementation of the Forest Code. To mark this anniversary, we have prepared a summary of our work in this space, including details of our actions of advocacy for the legislation, promotional campaigns, the creation of monitoring tools and market development, engagement with landowners, and more.


Auditing Protocol: Validation Checklist

This Validation Checklist is part of the Auditing Protocol of the Circular Credits Mechanism’s
Standard (CCS) – a set of documents to assist in the evaluation of waste recovery projects
interested in issuing Circular Credits (CCs) based on their activities, through the Circular Credits
Mechanism (CCM).


BVRio Strategic Focus 2021-2025

Unsustainable exploitation of the environment and the world’s resources presents one of humanity’s greatest challenges.

Current models of production and consumption by a growing population are incompatible with global natural resource and production limits. It is clear that new approaches are required in order to protect our planet and halt climate change. There is a need for new thinking to be applied to public policy, legislation, and voluntary corporate initiatives in order to change the current models and help guide countries towards a more sustainable path, and a greener and more inclusive economy.

Our mission is to design and promote new approaches through the creation of innovative market-based solutions for the benefit of the economy, the environment and people.


Practical Guide to Conducting Due Diligence of Tropical Timber Products – Republic of Congo

The objective of this practical guide is to summarise the main documents that need to be collected, and how to interpret them, in order to conduct due diligence of timber consignments to be imported from the Republic of Congo into the US and European markets. It also provides a summary of the main risks associated with timber legality that the due diligence must address, for the Republic of Congo.

The guide, initially published in January 2021, has been updated with information about the Open Timber Portal (OTP), a free online platform designed by the World Resources Institute. The goal of the OTP, as that of BVRio’s Due Diligence guides, is to incentivise legality in the timber sector, by facilitating access to information.


鲜为人知的树种: 加纳木材资源的可持续利用 Lesser-known and lesser-used species booklet

CHINESE VERSION Lesser-known and lesser-used species refer in this booklet to under-utilised timber species from Ghana that have similar properties to other popular species.

There are more than 50,000 species of timber in the world, but only a small proportion of these are used commercially. Currently, Ghana has nearly 90 species that are regularly exploited and traded as timber. Lesser-known & lesser-used species can have similar and even better performance for some specific end-uses; they can also have a more distinctive and unique appearance compared to more popular ones. Using these species is not only a good business decision but also has the potential to improve livelihoods and protect biodiversity.


Programa Floresta+ and Voluntary Carbon Markets

Voluntary transactions have the potential to help nations not only achieve but surpass their Paris agreement targets, according to new analysis compiled by international non-profit BVRio and the Brazilian REDD+ Alliance. The analysis also focuses on the positive potential the new Brazilian Programme Floresta+ has.
