Category: Publications

CCM Guidance note 2: Additionality and Positive Lists

The Circular Credits Mechanism (CCM) is guided by a set of Principles & Criteria to ensure the environmental and social integrity of the credits issued and the waste management systems of its users. An important factor affecting the environmental integrity of projects is the concept of is additionality. At the same time, the application of additionality requirements and analyses needs to be contextualised in order to yield sound outcomes.

This note discusses the concept and application of additionality to circular action projects.


CCM Implementation Guidelines and Operational Procedures

This document provides information on how to apply the Circular Action Hub’s Principles and Criteria for Circular Credit Mechanism (CCM) projects involving the recovery and recycling of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW).

The Implementation Guidelines aim to assist users in the application of the Principles & Criteria to MSW projects. Following the “Learning by doing” principle, additional guidance documents will be provided as more projects are developed and more information is gathered about different approaches and different circumstances, to ensure a continuous improvement of the CAH’s Principles & Criteria and its guidelines.

The Operational Procedures describe the process to register and implement CCM projects, as well as the internal governance procedures to analyse and monitor these projects.


Circular Action Hub and Circular Credits Mechanism (CCM) Principles & Criteria

This document describes the Principles & Criteria of the Circular Action Hub and its Circular Credits Mechanism for projects involved in the recovery and recycling of Municipal Solid Waste projects.

There are seven Principles and Criteria that outline the basic philosophy of the Hub and the mechanism for all sorts of projects. Their objective is to provide the rationale behind the aims, concepts, scope, and eligibility for projects willing to participate in the Hub and/or issue Circular Credits (CCs).

Specific guidance on the implementation of the Principles & Criteria for specific projects can be found in the Implementation Guidelines and Operational Procedures for different sectoral scopes.


COVID-19 – Analysis of the social and economical impact on the Forest sector, Republic of Congo

While the forest sector is at the centre of international concerns about the sustainable management of forest resources, the negative effects of the pandemic on the forest sector should not overshadow the crucial role of forests in securing the livelihoods on which local people depend.

BVRio, in collaboration with ATIBT and support from UK Aid under the Forest Governance, Markets and Climate Programme, carried out a study to ensure a better understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on the forest sector in the Republic of Congo.


Practical guide to conducting due diligence of tropical timber products: Cameroon

The objective of this practical guide is to summarise the main documents that need to be collected, and how to interpret them, in order to conduct due diligence of timber consignments to be imported from Cameroon into the US and European markets. It also provides a summary of the main risks associated with timber legality that the due diligence must address, for Cameroon.


Ancillary Benefits of Climate Policy – New Theoretical Developments and Empirical Findings

While concerns about accelerating global warming preoccupy the public—as one can observe from the recent school strikes as protest against too few climate protection efforts—the Paris Agreement on Climate Change is starting to take effect in several areas of our planet. Yet, while in Europe, levels of carbon dioxide emissions are declining, in order to reach the 2 goal and even more the 1.5 goal of the agreement, global climate protection efforts have to be strengthened considerably. This becomes even more urgent as concentrations of methane, which is another very potent greenhouse gas besides carbon dioxide, have increased in an unexpectedly strong way in recent years. (…) Although the chapters in the book focus on the joint effects of climate policy, it is straightforward to apply the models and techniques used in this book also to joint production in other fields, for instance to research on philanthropy, performing arts, green goods consumption, terrorism, and military alliances.


Brazil’s Amazon Hydroelectrics and the CDM: Defrauding Investors, Cheating the Atmosphere?

This paper highlights the risks inherent in issuing carbon credits for project scale emissions reductions relative to an estimate of what would have otherwise occurred – which is the basis of the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism – in the absence of an overall sectoral or national emissions budget within which carbon credit issuance would be accounted for through rigorous and transparently monitored double-entry bookkeeping.


Practical guide to conducting due diligence of tropical timber products: Brazil

The objective of this practical guide is to summarise the main documents that need to be collected, and how to interpret them, in order to conduct due diligence of timber consignments to be imported from Brazil into the US and European markets. It also provides a summary of the main risks associated with timber legality that the due diligence must address, for Brazil.


Practical guide to conducting due diligence of tropical timber products: Ghana

The objective of this practical guide is to summarise the main documents that need to be collected, and how to interpret them, in order to conduct due diligence of timber consignments to be imported from Ghana into the US and European markets. It also provides a summary of the main risks associated with timber legality that the due diligence must address, for Ghana.
