Tag: Coopama

Enhanced logistics for recycling cooperatives with new trucks and digital tracking of waste flow

Two of the nine waste cooperatives that BVRio is supporting in service improvements have started to receive critical logistics upgrades, including new collection trucks and equipment, and training to digitise waste flow, part of a capacity-building project funded by the Alliance to End Plastic Waste. Since the beginning of this project phase in August 2024, […]


Project Update: “Cooperate to Recycle”

Since its launch in October 2023, the ‘Cooperate to Recycle’ project, developed by the Friends of the Environment Popular Cooperative (Coopama) with technical support from BVRio, and funded by Brazilian oil company Petrobras, has achieved key milestones. Over the past year, Coopama has collected 3,000 tonnes of recyclable materials, averaging 240 tonnes per month, benefiting […]


‘Cooperate to Recycle’: project seeks to turn waste into opportunities for workers and recycling market effectiveness

This week, Coopama (Cooperativa Amigos do Meio Ambiente), through the ‘Cooperate to Recycle’ project carried out with technical support from BVRio and funding from Petrobras, began recording the collection of recyclable materials using the KOLEKT waste management app. The app will allow collection activities to be tracked and monitored online, guaranteeing payments and the traceability […]


BVRio helps waste picker cooperative receive R$ 3.9 million in investment

BVRio assisted a social project approved in a recent public selection to add value to the solid waste disposal generated by Petrobras facilities in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The cooperative Coopama signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with BVRio to receive support from our circular economy team in presenting their proposals and, from next year, […]