Compra de créditos no hub gera benefícios sociais para cooperativas de catadores
Refrigerantes Mineirinho contribui para a coleta de 500 toneladas de resíduos
Saiba mais...Refrigerantes Mineirinho contribui para a coleta de 500 toneladas de resíduos
Saiba mais...The night of last Wednesday in April (26) marked the recognition of the BVRio Institute (iBVRio) for its performance in the socio-environmental sector. Brazilian Association of Environmental Public Attorneys (ABRAMPA) committed the award “Troféu Entidade Amiga” at a ceremony held in São Paulo, during the 17th Brazilian Conference of the Environmental Public Attorneys. Since 2011,
Saiba mais...Tuesday 18 April, BVRio published a new report about Reverse Logistics Credits, an innovative system to facilite the socially inclusive waste collection and recycling solution for urban centers. The report describes a market mechanism developed to incentivize the collection, separation and recycling of solid waste; shows the results of an initial trial in Brazil, conducted with two leading consumer
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