Brazilian REDD+ Alliance presents Integrated REDD+ concept at COP23

Wednesday November 8, the Brazilian REDD+ Alliance will promote at COP23 the parallel event “Reframing REDD+ in Brazil: a long term solution to address deforestation and promote the sustainable development” – Presenting a public-private REDD+ regime in Brazil and synergies with future carbon markets, such as the SDM and CORSIA/ICAO.

REDD Alliance_COP23


In the event, the Brazilian REDD+ Alliance will present the concept of Integrated REDD+, which proposes separate, but complementary, carbon markets, as a solution to facilitate the inclusion of REDD+ into markets to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement. This proposal suggests a financial model to support forest protection, agricultural production and decarbonization efforts in an integrated way, both at the international as well as the domestic or jurisdictional levels.

Key speakers will include: Juan Carlos Aybar (Althelia Climate Fund, tbc); Alice Thuault (ICV); Chris Meyer (EDF); Pedro Soares (Idesam); Thiago Chagas (Climate Focus); Virgílio Viana (FAS).

Check the agenda


About the Brazilian REDD+ Alliance 

Created by BVRio Environmental Exchange, Biofílica Investimentos Ambientais, Fundação Amazonas Sustentável (FAS), Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV), Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Amazônia (Idesam), Instituto de Pesquisas da Amazônia (IPAM), Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), and Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia (Imazon), the Brazilian REDD+ Alliance has the objective to promote the use of REDD+ as a tool to combat deforestation and generate financial resources to support the government, rural producers, traditional and indigenous communities. Brazil has the potential to generate over US$ 70 billion to 2030 through REDD+ in the Amazon region, and the Alliance aims to ensure that the country is in a position to lead the growing markets for GHG emission reductions internationally, to meet its NDC, and to contribute to the international effort to prevent catastrophic climate change.