Archive - Author: Ludmila Girardi

Fishing for Litter: Campaign removes 2,000 tyres from Guanabara Bay, in Rio, for recycling

The Fishing for Litter project, run by BVRio in partnership with Ogyre, launched a special campaign to remove tyres from Guanabara Bay, around Ilha do Governador. The goal is to increase tyre recycling, as these items are often discarded improperly and accumulate in mangrove areas, forming ‘rubbish islands’ where tyres combine with plastics and other waste. Over […]


BVRio contributes to publication on the challenges and opportunities for Environmental Regularisation Programmes in Brazil

BVRio contributed to the publication ‘Challenges and Opportunities for Environmental Regularisation Programmes’, produced by the Forest Dialogue in collaboration with the Forest Code Observatory (OCF) and the Brazil Climate, Forests and Agriculture Coalition, which was launched during the 5th Brazilian Conference on Ecological Restoration (SOBRE+10) on 11 July 2024. BVRio contributed to the report with […]


Brazil’s Environment Ministry to enforce solutions for product waste

In an article published last week by the Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, reporter Joana Cunha interviewed the Secretary for the Urban Environment, Adalberto Maluf, about the Ministry of the Environment’s initiative to strengthen the regulation of an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) model in Brazil. The initiative is seen as a crucial step towards […]


World Environment Day 2024: PlanaFlor roadmap to tackle land restoration in Brazil

For the past three years, we have been working on PlanaFlor, a strategic plan to implement the Brazilian Forest Code. One of its eight macro objectives focuses on native vegetation restoration, which is this year’s World Environment Day theme.  Brazil currently has a 10.7 million hectare Legal Reserve deficit and an 8.1 million hectare Permanent […]


Approaches to sustainability in Brazilian agriculture: Combining environmental conservation with economic growth

PlanaFlor, a unique and strategic plan for implementing the Forest Code, stands out as it complements Brazil’s recently launched National Programme for Converting Degraded Pastures (PNCPD). This alignment is not just crucial, it’s a game-changer, ensuring that the broad goals set by the PNCPD for pasture recovery are not just met, but exceeded. PlanaFlor’s detailed […]


Forest Code Monitoring Portal updated with environmental regularisation data in Brazil

BVRio has significantly enhanced the information available on Brazilian states’ compliance with the Forest Code via an update to the Forest Code Monitoring Portal. This crucial tool, which promotes data transparency on adherence to the Environmental Regularisation Programme (PRA), helps foster a deeper understanding of the environmental regularisation of rural properties in Brazil.  With an […]


BVRio supports global ambitions to accelerate plastic collection and support waste pickers

Concluding yesterday, BVRio participated in the fourth session of the International Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC-4), contributing to critical discussions on crediting mechanisms and waste management practices. Our official statement submitted as one of the INC-4 observers highlighted BVRio’s ongoing commitment to combating plastic waste and promoting the inclusion of waste pickers in the […]

Cover capa PlanaFlor

BVRio and FBDS contribute to the revision of Brazil’s National Plan for the Recovery of Native Vegetation

As part of its strategy to influence public policies that help speed up the implementation of the Forest Code, PlanaFlor, a project led by BVRio and the Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development (FBDS), now has representation in the process of revising the National Plan for the Recovery of Native Vegetation (Planaveg). PlanaFlor’s contribution was formalised […]


‘Cooperate to Recycle’: project seeks to turn waste into opportunities for workers and recycling market effectiveness

This week, Coopama (Cooperativa Amigos do Meio Ambiente), through the ‘Cooperate to Recycle’ project carried out with technical support from BVRio and funding from Petrobras, began recording the collection of recyclable materials using the KOLEKT waste management app. The app will allow collection activities to be tracked and monitored online, guaranteeing payments and the traceability […]