Our Values
Our values guide what we do, how we do it, how we make decisions, and how we behave.

We try to think differently and strive to create and test new solutions. We look to lead, not to follow. We push boundaries, fail fast, learn lessons and move forward.

Financial Efficiency
We want to ensure the economic efficiency and financial viability of our solutions, for ourselves and our beneficiaries.

We seek to keep sustainability at the heart of our operations, now and for the future

Social Inclusion
We believe everyone should benefit from the green economy and seek to support the most vulnerable people working in the sectors we focus on.
Code of Ethics and Conduct
BVRio’s Code of Ethics and Conduct contains the main ethical and moral guidelines that guide our internal, business and governmental relations, and is applicable to our executive board, directors, employees, service providers and partners.
Download BVRio Brazil Code of Ethics and Conduct in English.
The code covers;
- Anti-Corruption
- Respect for Diversity
- Environment and Work Environment
- Image/Branding
- Slavery
- Confidential information
- Data Protection
- Conflicts of Interest
- Relationships with Public Officers
- Relationships with Suppliers and Service providers
- Acquisitions
- Donations and Sponsorship
- Gifts and Benefits
- Relations with Employees
- Duty to Act
- Code of Ethics and Complaint Channel
- Ethics Committee
- Presumption of Integrity
The BVRio Ethics Committee, composed of the Executive President, the Director of Operations and the Legal Manager of the Institute, are responsible for receiving complaints sent via the email canal.etica@bvrio.org. Once complaints are received, the Committee will meet within a maximum of 10 (ten) days to deal with the occurrence.
Any complaint received will be treated as a priority by the Board of BVRio, always guaranteeing the due confidentiality of the narrated facts and of the whistle-blower.