Forest Code Observatory launches Practical Guide for Assessing Compliance with the Forest Code in commodity supply chains

Brasilia, March 20,  2017 – Today at The Second General Assembly of the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020, was launched by BVRio, Proforest and IPAM, within the Forest Code Observatory (OCF) umbrella, the Practical Guide for Assessing Compliance with the Forest Code in commodity supply chains.


Download the “Practical Guide for Assessing Compliance with the Forest Code in commodity supply chains” (Portuguese)

The markets for Brazilian forestry and agricultural commodities have a fundamental role in the implementation of Brazilian environmental legislation, therefore, in the reduction of deforestation. By demanding environmental compliance by Brazilian commodities producers, the private sector can provide a strong push for transitioning the Brazilian forestry and agricultural sectors towards sustainability and legality. In this context, BVRio, Proforest and IPAM within the OCF umbrella, developed a practical guide aimed at helping buyers of Brazilian forestry and agricultural commodities verify compliance with the Brazilian Forest Code in their supply chain.

By calling for raw commodity producing companies in Brazil to comply with the law, buyers will be able to offer evidence that their products derive from sustainable agricultural sources, and that they do not contribute, for instance, towards illegal deforestation in Brazil. Towards this end, this guide presents the available and evolving tools to demand compliance with the Forest Code in the supply chain. The tools described here are both credible and practical instruments for buyers to use without the need to involve legal or environmental specialists.

Read the full guide (in Portuguese). An English version will be available soon. Let us know if you like to receive a copy in English.