Best Practice Guidelines for Credit Systems now available in multiple languages
The guidelines on best practices for credit systems related to the circular economy are now available in Portuguese and Spanish, as well as English, on the Circular Action Hub.
The Guidelines contain recommendations for better and more inclusive waste collection and recycling practices to improve livelihoods and strengthen the circular economy. The guidelines were developed by BVRio as part of the ‘Plastic Credits for Inclusive and Transparent Circularity’ project, funded by the PREVENT Waste Alliance, through a commission from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) from the German Government.
Speaking on behalf of BVRio’s circularity team, which compiled the report, BVRio Director, Pedro Moura Costa, said “This guidance document describes the principles and criteria and codes of conduct adopted by the Circular Action Hub and its Circular Credits Mechanism and we hope that participants of the Hub and CCM will find it useful. We also hope that it will prove useful to a wider range of users who share the same objectives of improving their practises related to circular economy activities and circular credit projects worldwide.”